——Erwin Reisner
“These are the sorts of solutions we will need to develop a truly circular economy and sustainable future”
—— Erwin Reisner

A floating, solar-powered device that can turn contaminated water or seawater into clean hydrogen fuel and purified water, anywhere in the world, has been developed by researchers.
The device, developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge, could be useful in resource-limited or off-grid environments, since it works with any open water source and does not require any outside power.
It takes its inspiration from photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into food. However, unlike earlier versions of the ‘artificial leaf’, which could produce green hydrogen fuel from clean water sources, this new device operates from polluted or seawater sources and can produce clean drinking water at the same time.
测试表明,该装置能够从高度污染的水体、海水,甚至剑桥市中心的康河中产出清洁水。这些研究结果已发表于《自然·水》(Nature Water)杂志。
Tests of the device showed it was able to produce clean water from highly polluted water, seawater, and even from the River Cam in central Cambridge. The results are reported in the journal Nature Water.
剑桥大学尤瑟夫哈米德化学系(Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry)Chanon Pornrungroj博士表示:“在一台装置中同时研发太阳能燃料生产和水净化是非常困难的。以日照让水分子分解为氢气和氧气往往需要在完全纯净的水中才能进行,因为任何污染物都可能污染催化剂或引起不必要的化学副反应。” 他本人同时也是该论文主要共同作者。
“Bringing together solar fuels production and water purification in a single device is tricky,” said Dr Chanon Pornrungroj from Cambridge’s Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, the paper’s co-lead author. “Solar-driven water splitting, where water molecules are broken down into hydrogen and oxygen, need to start with totally pure water because any contaminants can poison the catalyst or cause unwanted chemical side-reactions.”
同为主要共同作者的Arifin Mohamad Annuar表示:“在偏远或发展中地区,由于洁净水相对稀缺且净水所需的基础设施也比较短缺,水分解是极度棘手的。但如果一台装置可以在受污染的水中使用,它可以同时解决两个问题:一方面该装置可以分解水分子以制造清洁燃料,另一方面可以产出干净的饮用水。”
“In remote or developing regions, where clean water is relatively scarce and the infrastructure necessary for water purification is not readily available, water splitting is extremely difficult,” said co-lead author Ariffin Mohamad Annuar. “A device that could work using contaminated water could solve two problems at once: it could split water to make clean fuel, and it could make clean drinking water.”
Pornrungroj和Mohamad Annuar都是Erwin Reisner教授研究小组的成员,他们想出一个可以做到这一点的设计。
Pornrungroj and Mohamad Annuar, who are both members of Professor Erwin Reisner’s research group, came up with a design that did just that.
They deposited a photocatalyst on a nanostructured carbon mesh that is a good absorber of both light and heat, generating the water vapour used by the photocatalyst to create hydrogen. The porous carbon mesh, treated to repel water, served both to help the photocatalyst float and to keep it away from the water below, so that contaminants do not interfere with its functionality.
此外,这款新装置使用太阳能的效率更高。Mohamad Annuar表示:“光驱动的太阳能燃料制造过程仅使用了太阳光谱的一小部分,还有很多区域的光谱未被利用。”
In addition, the new device uses more of the Sun’s energy. “The light-driven process for making solar fuels only uses a small portion of the solar spectrum – there’s a whole lot of the spectrum that goes unused,” said Mohamad Annuar.
The team used a white, UV-absorbing layer on top of the floating device for hydrogen production via water splitting. The rest of the light in the solar spectrum is transmitted to the bottom of the device, which vaporises the water.
The team used a white, UV-absorbing layer on top of the floating device for hydrogen production via water splitting. The rest of the light in the solar spectrum is transmitted to the bottom of the device, which vaporises the water.
“This way, we’re making better use of the light – we get the vapour for hydrogen production, and the rest is water vapour,” said Pornrungroj. “This way, we’re truly mimicking a real leaf, since we’ve now been able to incorporate the process of transpiration.”
A device that can make clean fuel and clean water at once using solar power alone could help address the energy and the water crises facing so many parts of the world. For example, the indoor air pollution caused by cooking with ‘dirty’ fuels, such as kerosene, is responsible for more than three million deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization. Cooking with green hydrogen instead could help reduce that number significantly. And 1.8 billion people worldwide still lack safe drinking water at home.
Mohamad Annuar 表示:“这个设计起来也很简单:只需要几步,我们就可以制造出能在各种水体表面工作的装置,”
“It’s such a simple design as well: in just a few steps, we can build a device that works well on water from a wide variety of sources,” said Mohamad Annuar.
“It’s so tolerant of pollutants, and the floating design allows the substrate to work in very cloudy or muddy water,” said Pornrungroj. “It’s a highly versatile system.”
“Our device is still a proof of principle, but these are the sorts of solutions we will need if we’re going to develop a truly circular economy and sustainable future,” said Reisner, who led the research. “The climate crisis and issues around pollution and health are closely related, and developing an approach that could help address both would be a game-changer for so many people.”
这项研究得到了多方支持,包括欧盟委员会“地平线2020”计划、欧洲研究委员会、剑桥基金会、Petronas教育赞助项目以及Winton可持续物理学项目。Erwin Reisner教授为圣约翰学院(St John’s College)院士。Chanon Pornrungroj 来自达尔文学院(Darwin College), Ariffin Mohamad Annuar 来自克莱尔学院(Clare College)。
The research was supported in part by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, The European Research Council, the Cambridge Trust, the Petronas Education Sponsorship Programme, and the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability. Erwin Reisner is a Fellow of St John’s College. Chanon Pornrungroj is a member of Darwin College, and Ariffin Mohamad Annuar is a member of Clare College.