CALL for PAPER Global Sustainability Special Issue: Carbon Zero and Sustainabil
Global Sustainability is an Open Access journal dedicated to supporting the rapidly expanding area of global sustainability research.
Without profound societal transformations, humanity risks destabilising the Earth system. In the last decade, the research field of global sustainability science has expanded rapidly to explore human social and economic pressure on the whole Earth system.
This journal explores global sustainability, planetary and societal resilience, and solutions for societal transformations. Global Sustainability publishes interdisciplinary original research, reviews and commentaries addressing how human activities interact with Earth system dynamics. It invites work on sustainable pathways, evolution and resilience in the Anthropocene.

Indexed by ESCI of Web of Science in 2022
2022 Impact Factor: 5.5
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From now on, Global Sustainability works together with Cambridge University – Nanjing Centre of Technology and Innovation, to open call for papers for the Special Issue (Carbon Zero and Sustainability – Policy, Science and Applications in China, UK and Beyond), which is launched based on the “Cambridge Nanjing Forum 2023 – Carbon Zero and Sustainability: Science, Policy, Practice”.
Carbon Zero and Sustainability
– Policy, Science and Applications in China, UK and beyond
Building a green and net zero future is a shared goal for all countries. China and UK are both world champions in this field, with clear policy commitment and cutting-edge technology innovation. There have been numerous collaborations between the two countries to tackle the climate change, such as in the fields of carbon capture, utilisation and storage and renewable energy.
The Cambridge Nanjing Forum 2023 held at Cambridge University – Nanjing Centre of Technology and Innovation on 24 Nov included 12 presentations from world-leading scholars and representatives of leading industries to showcase the latest development in the related policy, science and its applications.
International cooperation is vital to such a global challenge. It will be able to speed up the technology advancement and strengthen the joint efforts to achieve the net zero target together. A special issue will be an excellent way to capture the opportunity and extend impact for the much-needed communication and coordinated development between countries among government, industry, academia, research bodies, and industrial and financial practitioners.
This special issue will be open to all the policy makers, academic researchers and industrial practitioners for either research works or review articles, to share the progress and insight on but not limited to the policy framework, national strategy, technology focus and implementation of carbon reduction in China, UK and beyond.
This special issue aims to delve into various areas in sustainability research, including but not limited to:
Route to Carbon Zero: Analysis or comparison on policy framework, strategies, regulations and measures at country level between China and UK, Both China and UK have prioritised the carbon reduction with the aim to achieve net zero, but the difference in the development stage and economic structure of the two countries leads to their own featured measures and strategies respectively. The study on similarities and discrepancies will help to inspire each other and others as well
Energy Transformation: Technologies and implementations of energy solutions are essential, such as clean and renewable energy, biomass utilisation, improvement of energy efficiency, recyclable waste, etc.
Electrification and Advanced Manufacturing: A strategically important topic looks into critical elements of batteries, fuel cells and electrolysers, especially on finding out the current challenges and potential routes to develop strategies for carbon abatement.
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS): These are specific technical solutions on various aspects of carbon handling with direct impact on carbon emission and recycling.
Environmental Impact and Solutions for Climate Change: The ultimate goal of carbon zero is for the harmonic co-existence between human and nature with sustainable environment and climate change at large. Overall view and solutions on the planet scale are at the core of the global challenges.
Tenured Professor of University of Cambridge
Director of Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics
Academic Director and CEO of Cambridge University - Nanjing Centre of Technology and Innovation
CAE Academician
Dean of Institute for Carbon Neutrality of Tsinghua University
Director of Centre for Research in Electrochemical Science and Technology
Professor of Electrochemistry of University of Cambridge
This special issue accepts two types of articles:
Long-form Research Paper, not exceed 5,000 words;
Review Article, generally not exceed 8,000 words for the main text with no more than 150 references.
30st June 2024
The manuscript will be published online once accepted after the standard peer review process.
Please select the ‘Carbon Zero and Sustainability’ option from the special issue dropdown, to ensure your submission received properly.
For detailed manuscript preparation instructions and submission guidelines, please refer to the Instructions for Authors on official page
For more details about special issue or forum, please contact
Ms. Alison Paskins, Publisher for Global Sustainability
or Ms. Silvia Qu, Assistant Deputy General Manager-Integrated Operations in CUNJC,+86(0)25 56676031