Department spin-out company lands $5.3 million for next-generation VR lens technology

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“Our cutting-edge thin nanophotonic lenses allow users to visually access virtual information in the real world without the nausea and discomfort typically associated with virtual, augmented and mixed reality.”

——Professor Daping Chu



一家开创纳米光子镜片技术的初创企业AllFocal Optics已成功获得530万美元融资,以将这项技术推向市场。该技术可实现始终对焦的图像,重现人类视觉,带来终极虚拟现实(VR)体验。AllFocal Optics由初大平教授(首席科学家)、校友帕万·施雷斯塔(Pawan Shrestha)博士(首席执行官)和常鑫博士(首席技术官)共同创立。

A start-up pioneering nanophotonic lens technology for images that are always in focus – recreating human vision for the ultimate virtual reality (VR) experience – has secured $5.3 million to bring the technology to market. AllFocal Optics is co-founded by Professor Daping Chu (CSO) and alumni Dr Pawan Shrestha (CEO) and Dr Xin Chang (CTO).

AllFocal Optics的技术基于初大平教授和前英国皇家工程院企业研究员施雷斯塔博士领导的光电器件与传感器研究中心的10年研究与开发基础。

Spun-out of the Department of Engineering, AllFocal Optics’ technology is built on 10 years of research and development in the Centre for Photonic Devices and Sensors led by Professor Chu and Dr Shrestha, former Royal Academy of Engineering enterprise fellow.

此次由SpeedInvest和英国创新署(Innovate UK)领投,在与捷豹路虎进行成功试验后到位,同时,资深技术专家艾什·萨鲁斯伯里(Ash Salusbury)博士(微软前技术副总监及Meta AR团队负责人)也加入了AllFocal Optics,担任董事长。

Led by SpeedInvest and Innovate UK grants, this investment comes on the back of successful trials with Jaguar Land Rover, along with the addition of tech veteran Dr Ash Salusbury (Microsoft’s Former VP of Technology and the leader of Meta’s AR team) as Chair of AllFocal Optics.

剑桥大学南京科技创新中心的初大平教授表示:“这意味着AllFocal Optics有望成为全球首家推出超薄镜片技术的公司,这种镜片能够重现人类视觉,为用户带来更加优质、更加舒适的虚拟体验。我们的尖端超薄纳米光子镜片可以让用户在现实世界中直观地获取虚拟信息,而不会产生通常虚拟现实、增强现实及混合现实带来的恶心与不适感。”

“This means AllFocal Optics is on track to become the first in the world to deliver ultra-thin lenses that recreate human vision for a better and more comfortable virtual experience,” said Professor Chu, Nanjing Professor of Technology and Innovation. “Our cutting-edge thin nanophotonic lenses allow users to visually access virtual information in the real world without the nausea and discomfort typically associated with virtual, augmented and mixed reality.”


He added: “It marks a significant step in overcoming a critical obstacle to the mass adoption of Extended Reality (XR) hardware and applications, redefining the XR experience for anyone (even if they wear glasses).”

AllFocal的尖端纳米技术设备可内置在汽车抬头显示器中,直接将卫星导航指示投射至挡风玻璃上。明年初,AllFocal Optics将与捷豹路虎合作,首次在汽车环境中进行试验。公司预测,其镜头技术有望在未来两年内被应用于增强现实(AR)眼镜和虚拟现实(VR)头显中。

AllFocal’s advanced nanotech devices can be built into car head-up displays, projecting sat-nav directions directly onto windscreens. The first trials of AllFocal Optics in car settings will take place early next year in partnership with Jaguar Land Rover. The company anticipates its lenses will be in AR glasses and VR headsets within the next two years.


Dr Shrestha said: “Critical to XR’s mass adoption is enabling users to interact with virtual images for as long as they like, without feeling nauseous, and to seamlessly shift focus between physical and virtual environments. Our technology, compatible with LCD, OLED, or any type of display, makes that possible.


“By projecting a digital image onto a user’s retina, it keeps the image in focus regardless of how the eyes adjust to the surrounding world, completely eliminating any discomfort.


“After more than a decade of research, we’re now ready to take our technology to market, unleashing possibilities across automotive, medical, engineering industries, and more.”
