Born in Cambridge: 10 Cambridge University Spinouts

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其中,有10 家剑桥衍生公司和初创公司正在改变世界。现在,我们分成上下两篇,一起来了解剑桥大学这些成功的科研产业化典范,此为上篇。

If new ideas and new ways of doing things are to make a difference to our lives, they need people and organisations to put them into practice.

At the heart of one of the world's most successful innovation ecosystems, the University of Cambridge is full of entrepreneurial researchers and students with the drive and imagination to bring research ideas out of labs and libraries and into the real world.

Here are 10 Cambridge spinouts and start-ups that are making a difference.Our introduction to the models of research commercialisation at Cambridge is divided into two parts. Today’s post is the first part.




0新药研发 Discovering new drugs
Astex Pharmaceuticals


A new technique that speeds up drug discovery has led to the development of two successful cancer treatments.

Kisqali 已在超过95个国家获准用于治疗晚期乳腺癌,而用于治疗晚期膀胱癌的Balversa 已于2019年获得美国食品和药物管理局的快速批准。

Kisqali has been approved for treating advanced breast cancer in more than 95 countries and Balversa, used for advanced bladder cancer, was fast-tracked for approval in 2019 by the US Food and Drug Administration.


These drugs were developed by University spin-out Astex using fragment-based drug discovery, pioneered by a team of Cambridge chemists and biochemists.


The technique has since been adopted by most major pharmaceutical companies and more than 40 compounds discovered using it have reached clinical trials.


0管道疏通 Unclogging our pipes


The UK's water pipes are being cleared of blockages caused by an invasive mollusc.


The zebra mussel, a species originally native to Eastern Europe but now spread around the world, is wreaking havoc as it invades new territories.


Unlike native freshwater mussels, zebra mussels can attach to hard surfaces. This leads to a build-up on the inside of pipes that supply raw water for treatment, reducing the flow of water and forcing the water companies to take the pipes out of commission while they are cleaned - at an annual cost of £8 million in the UK.


BioBullets is the brainchild of a Cambridge zoologist and a chemical engineer.


Together they have developed tiny fat-covered particles that have proved to be tasty morsels for the zebra mussels, containing toxins lethal to them but not to other native species.


The technology is being trialled by seven water companies that supply drinking water to 52% of the UK population (34.7 million people).

0让手机更快更环保 Making our phones faster and greener
Cavendish Kinetics 

剑桥物理学家开发的一项技术已在3500 万部手机上使用,该技术可以更快地发送和接收数据,通过使用更少的电力来降低二氧化碳排放量。

A technology developed by Cambridge physicists is used in 35 million phones to send and receive data faster, using less power and with lower CO2 emissions.

一组物理学家研发了一种低成本的微机电 (MEMS) 替代品,可替代连接到固定电容器的昂贵开关。它的数字可变电容器既提高了发送和接收数据的速度,又降低了功率,与宽带天线相比,效率提高了100%。

A team of physicists came up with a low-cost micro-electromechanical (MEMS) alternative to expensive switches connected to fixed capacitors. Its digital variable capacitors both increase the speed at which data can be sent and received and reduce the power needed to do so, increasing efficiency by as much as 100% in comparison to broadband antennas.

其电容器还可减少二氧化碳排放量。3500万部采用该技术的手机节省的能源估计相当于每年排放 200 万公斤二氧化碳。

Its capacitors also reduce CO2 emissions. The energy saved by the 35 million phones containing this technology equates to an estimated combined 2 million kg of CO2 emissions per year.

Cavendish Kinetics于1994年从大学衍生,并于2019年被Qorvo Inc以超过3亿美元的价格收购。

Cavendish Kinetics was spun out of the University in 1994 and acquired by Qorvo Inc in 2019 for more than $300 million.


0提前诊断 Diagnosing us early


一项非侵入性检测与 AI 相结合,有助于发现组织样本中食道癌的早期迹象。

A non-invasive test coupled with AI is helping to spot the early signs of oesophageal cancer in tissue samples.


Oesophageal cancer is one of the world's most lethal cancers - and it's on the rise. Only 13% of patients diagnosed with oesophageal cancer survive for more than five years and it's now six times more common than it was in the 1990s.


More than half of all cases could be prevented though, if a condition known as Barrett's oesophagus is found and treated early. Cambridge researchers have invented a simple, cost-effective early oesophageal cancer detection test to do just that.


A patient swallows a capsule which collects cells from the oesophagus in a process that takes just ten minutes. Cyted then digitises cell samples which are analysed by its pathologists.


Normally, analysing samples creates extra work for an already overstretched health service. Cyted uses deep learning pathology techniques to do the leg work, so that human pathologists need only look at the cases that aren't clear cut.

超过 10,000 项早期食管癌检测已推广到英国国家医疗服务中。

More than 10,000 of its early oesophageal cancer detection tests have been rolled out to NHS services across the UK.



0提升游戏效果 Upping our games


超过 20 亿游戏玩家的在线生活因几何代数而改变。

More than 2 billion gamers have had their online lives transformed by geometric algebra.


A group of Cambridge astrophysicists and engineers used this mathematical framework to revolutionise the lighting and graphics used in some of the world's most successful gaming franchises.


They created a company, Geomerics, which spun out of the University in 2005.


In 2014, it was bought by another Cambridge success story, chip-design giant, Arm.

该技术已被主流游戏发行商用于重制90年代标志性游戏《最终幻想VII》,并升级游戏史上一些最畅销的游戏系列,包括 FIFA,仅 FIFA 就有 4500 万玩家,每年创收超过12亿美元。

The technology has been used by major games publishers to remake the iconic 90s game Final Fantasy VII and to upgrade some of the biggest blockbuster franchises in gaming history, including FIFA, which alone has 45 million players generating revenue of more than $1.2 billion each year.
