06 改善生活质量 Making us better
超过30,000名癌症患者已经接受了奥拉帕尼的治疗,这是一种由 Kudos Pharmaceuticals 开发的革命性抗癌新药。
More than 30,000 cancer patients have been treated with Olaparib, a revolutionary new cancer drug developed by Kudos Pharmaceuticals.
Fundamental research by a team of University scientists into DNA damage mechanisms led to the development of Olaparib.
他们发现,已知会增加患癌症风险的两个基因的功能障碍会使细胞对参与 DNA 修复的关键酶的抑制敏感。研究人员利用这一发现开发了一种新的治疗方法,最终产生了世界上第一个上市的DNA修复酶抑制剂奥拉帕尼。
They discovered that the dysfunction of two genes known to increase the risk of cancer sensitises cells to the inhibition of a critical enzyme involved in DNA repair. The researchers harnessed this discovery to develop a new therapeutic approach which resulted in Olaparib, the world’s first marketed DNA-repair enzyme inhibitor.
This breakthrough drug reduces disease progression and death by up to 66% in four types of cancer - breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic - and is now being used in 73 countries.
奥拉帕尼最初由衍生公司KuDOS Pharmaceuticals研发,该公司于2005年被阿斯利康收购。
Olaparib was originally developed by spin-out company KuDOS Pharmaceuticals, which was acquired by AstraZeneca in 2005.
07 新型治疗手段 Targeting new treatments
Lung cancer patients are getting more targeted treatment, thanks to the development of a non-invasive blood test.
Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent and hardest to treat of all the cancers. The more doctors can understand what's happening at the tumour level, the better they can target their treatment.
Previously, this was only possible by taking tissue samples - an invasive and unpleasant surgical procedure. Scientists at Cambridge developed a blood test (or liquid biopsy) which shows how a tumour is progressing and gives clinicians vital information in deciding how to treat it.
研究人员通过衍生公司Inivata将该技术商业化,该公司于2021年被 NeoGenomics, Inc Group 收购。
The researchers commercialised the technology through a spin-out, Inivata, which was bought by NeoGenomics, Inc Group in 2021.
08 治愈创伤 Healing our wounds
一种名为 NATROX® O2 的巧妙设备通过产生氧气并将其直接输送到伤口部位来帮助治愈慢性和难以愈合的伤口。
An ingenious device called NATROX® O2 is helping to heal chronic and hard-to-heal wounds by generating oxygen and delivering it directly to the wound site.
如果老人或患有糖尿病等健康问题的人受伤,可能需要很长时间才能愈合。在某些情况下,永远都不会愈合——这可能会导致截肢。伤口管理每年花费NHS约83亿英镑,其中67% 用于管理未愈合的慢性伤口。
If an elderly person, or someone with a health condition like diabetes, sustains a wound, it can take a long time to heal. In some cases, it never does - which can result in amputation. Wound management costs the NHS around £8.3 billion a year, of which 67% is spent managing unhealed, chronic wounds.
In the early 2000s, a Cambridge material scientist and a local inventor and entrepreneur came up with a clever way of extracting oxygen from the air and applying it to the wound.
他们成立了Inotec AMD来开发和商业化NATROX® O2,这是一种可穿戴、通过电池供电的设备,大小与手机相当。
They set up Inotec AMD to develop and commercialise NATROX® O2, a wearable, battery-powered device the size of a mobile phone.
临床试验表明,Natrox® O2能够治愈高达57%的慢性伤口,显着降低治疗成本并极大地改善患者的生活质量。自 2013 年以来,它已被用于治疗超过29个国家的数千名患者。
Clinical trials have shown that Natrox® O2 was able to heal up to 57% of these chronic wounds, significantly reducing the cost of treatment and vastly improving patients’ quality of life. Since 2013 it has been used to treat many thousands of patients in more than 29 countries.
09 基因测序Sequencing our genomes
得益于剑桥化学家开发的一项技术,每年有超过 100 万个基因组被测序。
More than 1 million genomes are sequenced every year thanks to a technology developed by Cambridge chemists.
Solexa测序对人类健康和我们对疾病遗传基础的理解产生了深远的影响。Solexa于1998年从大学衍生,并于2007年被 Illumina 收购。
Solexa Sequencing is having a profound impact on human health and our understanding of the genetic basis of disease. Solexa was spun out of the University in 1998 and acquired by Illumina in 2007.
该技术支撑着世界上一些主要的基因组测序项目。例如,它使剑桥领导的COG-UK团队能够追踪 COVID-19 及其所有变体的出现和传播。
The technology underpins some of the world's major genome sequencing projects. It has, for example, enabled the Cambridge-led COG-UK team to track the emergence and spread of COVID-19 and all its variants.
Illumina currently has more than 7,000 employees worldwide and annual revenues of more than $3 billion per annum.
300 million mobile phone users have been spared a collective 100,000 years of typing, thanks to Cambridge computer scientists.
They used machine learning and natural language processing to predict what we want to type. The company they started in 2009 became SwiftKey.
By June 2014, users were estimated to have saved half a trillion keystrokes. By 2016, SwiftKey software was installed on more than 300 million devices.
It was estimated that its users had saved nearly 10 trillion keystrokes, across 100 languages, amounting to more than 100,000 years in combined typing time.
SwiftKey 的成功使它在2016年被微软以2.5亿美元收购,该软件被整合到微软的旗舰移动应用程序SwiftKey Keyboard for iPhone和Android中,到2020年安装量达到5亿。
The success of SwiftKey led to its acquisition by Microsoft in 2016 for $250 million, and the software was incorporated into Microsoft’s flagship mobile app, SwiftKey Keyboard for iPhone and Android, with 500 million installations by 2020.