Quantifying the Cambridge Cluster

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Cambridge is one of the world's most successful life sciences and technology clusters.


And it continues to prosper. Last year, 'knowledge-intensive' businesses in the Cambridge city region saw a 17% increase in their collective turnover, in a spectacular post-COVID rebound.


We know this - and lots more besides - thanks to the work of two indefatigable Cambridge researchers who map in minute detail what's going on in the local economy.


It was back in the 1980s that people first started talking about the 'Cambridge Phenomenon', referring to the explosion of technology, life sciences and service companies that had started to cluster in and around 'Silicon Fen'.


But that flowering of entrepreneurial spirit brought with it certain challenges.

Matthew Bullock是Cambridge Ahead的联合创始人,Cambridge Ahead是一个会员制组织(剑桥大学所属),成立于2013年,旨在倡导该地区的可持续经济增长。

Matthew Bullock is co-founder of Cambridge Ahead, a membership organisation (to which the University belongs) which was set up in 2013 to advocate for sustainable economic growth in the region.


"Early on," he explains, "we realised that to maintain the cluster's momentum, we would need to understand its strengths and build on them. We were also conscious that local government would need to plan for the houses and transport links to support this increasingly buoyant ecosystem."


"What was required were accurate numbers, from which we could create an overview of the whole regional economy."

绘制集群地图的早期尝试是为了展示任务的规模和复杂性。“第一个数据集存在明显的问题,一些公司被重复计算在内,” Bullock解释道。“去除重复的公司结构并不容易,对此我们有充分认识。”

An early attempt to map the Cluster served to demonstrate the scale and complexity of the task. "There were obvious problems with that first data set, with companies being counted more than once," explains Bullock. "De-duplicating corporate structures is not easy. You have to know what you are doing."

Andy Cosh博士是商业研究中心助理主任,他凭借应用经济学的研究背景,以及在英国财政部和众多企业的工作经验,完全了解需要哪些信息。

Enter Dr Andy Cosh, Assistant Director at the Centre for Business Research. With a research background in applied economics, and experience of working both at HM Treasury and with many different companies, he understood exactly what was required.


"In 2015, I started data gathering, entirely on my own," says Cosh, "developing a methodology which has since turned into an extensive operations manual."

2018 年,随着任务规模的不断扩大,数据专家Giorgio Caselli博士加入了他的行列。他们一起将区域重点从剑桥周围20英里半径范围扩大到覆盖整个剑桥郡和彼得伯勒。如今,他们的数据库包含 90,000 多家活跃和不活跃的公司和有限合伙企业的详细信息。

In 2018, as the size of the task continued to grow, he was joined by fellow data expert, Dr Giorgio Caselli. Together they have expanded their regional focus from a 20-mile radius around Cambridge to cover the whole Cambridgeshire and Peterborough combined authority. Today, their database contains details of more than 90,000 companies and limited partnerships, both active and inactive.


Gaining a true picture of the region's economic geography is a painstaking exercise. To work out how many new companies are founded each year and if existing ones have grown, shrunk, failed, or moved away, takes months of research.


"You can't just grab data from a company database,"


"Every year we spend two months checking, validating and deduplicating.

——Giorgio Caselli博士,商业研究中心高级研究员

Dr Giorgio Caselli, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Business Research


Their no-stone-unturned approach includes driving round the region's science and business parks to ascertain which companies have a physical presence there.

Cambridge Ahead的首席执行官Jane Paterson-Todd解释了为什么数据分析如此重要:“它使Cambridge Ahead 能够以可信的方式讲述整个剑桥经济正在发生的事情。

Cambridge Ahead's CEO, Jane Paterson-Todd, explains why their data analysis is so important: "It enables Cambridge Ahead to speak with credibility about what is happening across the Cambridge economy.”


"It is invaluable in our engagement with national and local policymakers, shining a spotlight on what is really happening in our industry base and enabling us to talk to government about the investments and interventions that are needed in response."

Cosh说:“刚开始时,我们得到了Arm、Marshall和Mills & Reeve等当地组织的赞助,他们从一开始就认识到数据的价值。

"When we first started," says Cosh, "we were sponsored by local organisations such as Arm, Marshall and Mills & Reeve, who recognised the value of the data from the outset.


"We are now also funded by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Greater Cambridge Partnership, and our work underpins their planning for sustainable - and equitable - economic growth across the region."


Today, this annual data collection and analysis provides the cornerstone for a wide range of local, regional and national planning activities, playing a pivotal role in supporting the development of the Cluster as a whole and the associated infrastructure planning.


The methodology has also been used to investigate the impact of particular parts of the ecosystem. For example, in 2020, Cosh and Caselli were part of a team that quantified the impact of the Babraham Research Campus, highlighting its critical role in the UK's life sciences sector.


For Cosh, as well as supporting the continued success of the Cluster, their work also represents a model for how this kind of approach could be applied more widely:


"If the government wants to develop effective regional economic policies, it needs to understand which sectors it is strong in and where, and use policy to enhance those strengths. But to do that properly they need this kind of detailed, accurate data which currently is not available for other parts of the UK."


"As an important driver of economic growth across the region and the UK, the University needs to make decisions that will help sustain that growth and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives and works here."


"The evidence provided by the Business Research team helps us to understand what is going on in the local and regional economies and provides an invaluable input into our decision-making.

—— Andy Neely 教授,剑桥大学企业和商业关系副校长

Professor Andy Neely, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and Business Relations at the University of Cambrid




So what do the numbers tell us about the Cambridge City Region today?


We asked Andy and Giorgio to give us their headline findings.


Since 2010, the corporate economy of the region has grown significantly, particularly the knowledge-intensive sectors;


Turnover fell during the pandemic but bounced back spectacularly, with a 17% increase in 2021-22;


Overall employment growth stayed positive even in 2020-21 when the pandemic was at its height.


Life sciences and healthcare is the fastest growing sector, with employment two and a half times higher last year than it was in 2010.


Information technology and telecoms is the second fastest growing sector and the largest overall, with nearly 3,000 companies based in the region.


The top 37 of the region's 120 business parks employ more than 50,000 people and spend an average of £2.4 billion a year on R&D.





Every year, Andy and Giorgio's data helps us show just how important the ecosystem is to the University and vice versa.


—— Figures are based on information available at the time of printing – April 2023
