Powering agreen revolution

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Giorgia Longobardi 博士是剑桥氮化镓设备公司(CGD)的创始人和CEO,她是2019 年皇家工程学院年度青年工程师,并获得了众多荣誉,包括 2021 年《商业周刊》的年度女企业家。

Dr Giorgia Longobardi is founder and CEO of Cambridge GaN Devices. She was a Royal Academy of Engineering Young Engineer of the Year in 2019 and has been the winner of numerous accolades including Business Weekly's Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 2021.

基于 Longobardi博士的原创研究,CGD开发了一系列使用高能效半导体氮化镓 (GaN) 的功率器件,预示着绿色电子产品的新纪元。

Based on Longobardi's original research, Cambridge GaN Devices has developed a range of power devices using the energy-efficient semiconductor, gallium nitride (GaN), heralding a new era of greener electronics.

Longobardi博士说:“随着我们的生活变得越来越数字化,我们对使用更节能的方式为设备供电的需求变得愈发迫切。用氮化镓替换电子产品中的硅将节省高达 50% 的能源,从手机快速充电到运行庞大的数据中心,有利于让我们的数字世界保持运转。”

"As our lives becomes increasingly digital, our need for more energy-efficient ways to power them becomes ever more pressing. Swapping gallium nitride for silicon in electronics will save up to 50% of the energy used in everything from fast-charging our phones to running the vast data centres that keep our digital world turning," said Dr Longobardi.
